The Monarch Battalion Cannon Crew consists of any interested cadet that wants a chance to experience the best of a Saturday Game Day for Old Domion's Football Team. Every home game, the cannon crew sets up the cannon provided by the US Army National Guard, to shoot it off before the game to get the crowd going before the game. Interested? Then contact your ROTC instructor or CoC for more information.
What else? Check these out:

Perform difficult movements with decommissioned M1 Grand rifles at numerous ceremonies and events.

Rigorous training exercises to push you physically and mentally. Think you're up for the challenge?

Are you a disciplined cadet or midshipman who takes pride in their work? Join the Color Guard and attend annual University events.

Develop leadership skills as an underclass cadet while managing and setting up events for AROTC.

Represent ODU and Battalion at the annual Army Ten Miler in Washington D.C. during October.

Looking for a weekend-long challenge with the entire Battalion? Check out our field training exercises available.

Want to pump up the crowd during home football games by performing push-ups every time the Monarch score? Join our team!

Perform difficult movements with decommissioned M1 Grand rifles at numerous ceremonies and events.

Rigorous training exercises to push you physically and mentally. Think you're up for the challenge?

Are you a disciplined cadet or midshipman who takes pride in their work? Join the Color Guard and attend annual University events.

Develop leadership skills as an underclass cadet while managing and setting up events for AROTC.

Represent ODU and Battalion at the annual Army Ten Miler in Washington D.C. during October.

Looking for a weekend-long challenge with the entire Battalion? Check out our field training exercises available.

Want to pump up the crowd during home football games by performing push-ups every time the Monarch score? Join our team!

Perform difficult movements with decommissioned M1 Grand rifles at numerous ceremonies and events.
Contact us if you'd like additional information regarding this activity and/or next steps to join.